The exploration of the Niyamas continues with the third being tapas. This is a familiar concept and a familiar word since we saw this come to the surface at the beginning of our journey as one of the three components of Kriyā Yoga. In fact, the tree remaining Niyamas are the three same components of Kriyā Yoga as laid out by Patañjali in the first sūtras of this chapter on practice.
So, why does Patañjali repeat these three practices again in this second limb of Aṣṭāṇga Yoga? It could be to invite in the importance of these three practices and to call the aspirant toward a deeper and subtler understanding of each component. Maybe Patañjali is asking the yogi to return to the practice of self-discipline, self-study and connection with the heightened knowledge which comes from dedication and understanding of the previous Yamas and Niyamas.
As the yogi prepares themselves for the most subtle practices of Aṣṭāṇga Yoga, it’s absolutely necessary they have a firm root in non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, conservation of energy, non-grasping, cleanliness and contentment.
As a means to refine and polish the dedication to self-discipline, the yogi might explore their understanding of self-discipline previously and examine how that practice needs to evolve and shift to support the full integration of the previous Yamas and Niyamas.
For our journaling practice today, explore your previous understanding of self-discipline and examine areas where the practices of ahiṃsā, satya, asteya. brahmacarya, aparigrahāḥ, śauca and saṃtoṣa might add to your existing practice of tapas. Additionally, explore the following questions.
What does it mean to practice tapas in our asana practice?
How is tapas important for the aspirant on the path of Self-discovery?
Tapas is a practice of greater self-restraint. A practice of avoiding actions, which lead the yogi away from the path of spiritual growth. This practice leads the aspirant toward actions which which will propel the yogi along this path of self-discovery. Additionally, this practice of self-discipline is a process of purification. The yogi is able to ignite their inner fire to burn away toxins, impurities, saṃskāras and karmic imprints from consciousness. An initial way to practice tapas is to show up for practice, consistently and for a long time. A next step might be to eat a simple diet, allowing the body to keep burning away old toxins, impurities and saṃskāras instead of adding more toxins, etc. What are some additional ways you might polish your understanding of self-discipline to further your spiritual journey?
Currently, we’re exploring each of these Yamas (mahāvrata) as well as the Niyamas and trying to understand how we can start to integrate the lessons of these guidelines in our posture practice and our daily lives. Share how you’re experiencing and practicing truthfulness today and everyday with our Ashtanga community and read what others are learning by following #yogafoundationschallenge on IG.
Through the lens of our practice, we can start to view our patterns and reactions as a means to known them and adapt/change them as needed. I encourage you to practice with extra care over the next few weeks and journal about your experience on and off the mat. This will give you an additional tool to process the ideas and concepts we’ll explore throughout the challenge.
Tag @bellapranayoga in each entry along with #yogafoundationschallenge and #bellapranaashtanga to be entered in a drawing to win:
- Mysore Practice Rug
- Yogi Assignment by Kino MacGregor
- 4 oz bottle of Mahanarayan Oil
- PLUS 10% off workshops with Ajay Tokas in July 2020
See the remaining schedule below and follow the tag #yogafoundationschallenge on Instagram to hear experiences from our community as well as share your own. Now, you take practice 🙂
- Tuesday, February 4 – Svādhyāya- self-study, repetition of mantras and calming the mind
- Wednesday, February 5 – Īśvara Praṇidhāna – connection to the unknown