स तु दीर्घकाल नैरन्तर्य सत्काराअदराअसेवितो दृढभूमिः ॥१४॥
sa tu dīrghakāla nairantarya satkāra-ādara-āsevito dr̥ḍhabhūmiḥ ॥14॥
Practice becomes firmly grounded when well tended to for a long time,
without break and in all earnestness.
Yoga Sútra 1.14

Yoga practice continues to have countless benefits the more we practice. We can continue to refine and deepen our ability to regulate our systems, balance and strengthen our body and focus and steady our mind. The benefits of yoga practice continue to fill our hearts and minds as long as we do it. As long as we keep showing up on our mat for practice.
But showing up for practice sometimes gets hard. Our mind and life can construct barriers to getting on the mat and the more time we have away from practice, the harder it can be to get back on the mat.
This is a normal obstacle to encounter in the journey of yoga. The yoga sūtra text offers a full list of obstacles one will encounter along the path of yoga including apathy, feeling like you can’t grow in your practice or feeling like you’re regressing from previous growth.
Obstacles are going to arise along this path. They definitely will. The biggest challenge is not in the specifics of the obstacles or necessarily the ‘why’ of the obstacle. Instead, the challenge is in trying to continue along the path of yoga in the face of the obstacle without allowing it to impede your path to continue.
Instead of letting the mind get wrapped up in the mental turnings of ‘why’ the obstacle is there, try acknowledging its presence and shift your focus to seeking a way to continue in the face of the obstacle.
When you’re feeling barriers to your practice, remember you’re not alone. Everyone encounters barriers to their practice along the journey of yoga. With that knowledge, find a way to take a breath and get on your mat anyway. Taking 5 breaths for yourself on your mat is still immensely valuable.
Options for a brief experience on your mat if you’ve had a bit of a break:
- Try a single Sun Salutation with intentional breath and presence.
- Take 5 breaths on each side of your chosen standing posture
- Take 5 breaths on each side in your chosen seated posture (nothing to crazy when your body is cold)
- Take 5 breaths in a comfortable seated cross-legged position on your mat
The only way, you’ll be able to know what benefits a lifelong yoga practice can bring you is if you keep practicing throughout the different phases of your life. Remind yourself that ANY time on your mat is valuable time and is certainly better than no time on your mat.
Well said!
I would add something that I read from David Garrigues that has remained in my memories for years. As I recall, the idea is to practice for the sake of practice alone; not to achieve anything or gain something or even to be a certain way.