A Journey Inward With Sacred Sanskrit Sounds

Chanting has become a gateway to my heart. In my most challenging moments, in my most profound and expansive moments, I find myself repeating these Sanskrit chants to help me find balance, to help me call out the courage to continue in the face of obstacles when I can’t imagine how life will go on and to celebrate the most joyful moments of life. Chanting allows me to take another breath, to take another step, to have a tether into the present moment.
Regular chanting helps keep the mind calm and helps stay present/positive through uncertainty. A distracted mind has a tendency to think negative first whenever something unexpected happens. When the mind is no longer ruled by reactionary impulses, reasoning ability improves and the ability to make more grounded and meaningful decisions increases.
This eBook is intended to offer an opportunity to journey into your heart through the vibrational quality of Sanskrit sound. Each mantra will include the following:
- Devanagari script
- Transliteration into Roman characters
- Translation into English
- Personal accounts from my experiences
- Audio file to practice chanting