Viśuddhi Cakra

Viśuddhi cakra is a major purification center in the body and when awakened has the power to transform all of life’s negative and poisonous experiences into a state of pure bliss. Located in behind the pit of the throat in the spine, it’s element is ether and through meditation on viśuddhi cakra, the mind becomes free of thought, and becomes pure.

It is thought that when activated and awakened, cool sweet drops of Ojas (the nectar of vitality and spiritual energy are able to drip down into the throat and are able to neutralize poison, both internally and externally.

When balanced, nurtured and operating as awakened, viśuddhi cakra supports clear and knowledgable communication which flows intuitively from the speaker. When full awakened, this cakra fuels intuitive powers and transforms all thoughts to be kind and honest. Additionally, this cakra supports:

  • Sensitive, kind, and non-violent communication
  • Exceptional public speaking skills
  • Engaging and captivating speakers
  • Communication flows eloquently and effortlessly
  • Conversations exude clarity, simplicity and coherent knowledge
  • Can communicate a challenging topic very understandably
  • Communication flows through the whole being: body language, facial expression, words, and eye contact

When imbalanced and not properly nurtured, this cakra manifests as:

  • Reclusive behavior
  • Blocked communication
  • Inability to find satisfaction with life
  • Skin disorders
  • Perpetual sore throat
  • Nervousness
  • Lack of clarity of thought